Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

Rossi said...
Your elevator speech was one of the most interesting in my opinion. I feel that it is unfortunate that you struggle to find a comfort zone when you speak out loud. Your quietness make sometimes make you seem a lot less intelligent than you can be. On the other hand it can be advantageous to possibly keep you modest as opposed to those who boast there intellect. Your topics of religion were interesting to me however I feel that you need to elaborate more on them. For example, “The Egyptians also believed in reincarnation, so the king was never really gone forever. I have sometimes seen reincarnation as a kind of cool process, after talking to my mom, it doesn't seem as cool anymore. The Egyptians didn't really take care of the dead. They more just put the body in a tomb, wrapped it up, and left it there.” I too felt that the reincarnation process seemed cool however I do not know enough about it to make a decision on it. While you share both information that you gathered as well as your views, you do not elaborate on them. It seems like you completed this work hastily which really lowers the quality of the work. I would like to read more about why reincarnation was appealing to you, why your mother changed your views on it, and what you mean by the Egyptians lack of care for the dead, “wrapped it up, and left it there.” How is that any different from the social practices of today in context? Also, in text citations as well as an annotated bibliography should be included with work like this. I think this was a great topic and that you did substantial work on your blog, however it was not written particularly carefully. Spending more time on your work could have made this an exceptional blog. You should consider taking Andy’s advice and focus on only one or two religions rather than three so that you can go into more depth with them rather than being so brief.

Dima Zaitoff said...
You got all significant information, we should know about the difference between the funerals of different religions.You explained all of the ways how is religion
Affected the funeral.The most interesting part for me was about an Egypt people.what do they do and how.You said that egyptIans got a very specific way and things to do with a dead body and that they placed Wrapped body into the tomb but in my opinion this is a significance for them and the tomb represents a power of what this human did before he died.You did a good job and made the reader interest to read your project!
Willie said...
I liked your project because when you were taling about hinduism, I also did a little research in the topic which made me very interested because i found a little bit of information but too hear more stuff on it was a big help also to my project

Willie said...
I liked your project and speech because you were taling about hinduism and as well as Leah, I also did a little information around the topic which was also a little interseting because it was a big add on to the information that I was able to find. You found more and said things that I never knew about the hinduism culture, and I will use some of that info for further research.

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