Monday, September 27, 2010

HW 4 - Your Families' Foodway

     People in older generations didn't really care about what they had/were consuming at there time period.  But as time had went on, people started becoming curious about what they were eating.  And that is a study that continues into the world today.  My grandparents didn't care what they were eating when they were young, but as they got older, it started to affect them in ways such as diabetes and heart problems.  They use to eat a lot of sugary treats and fast foods.   Now in the younger generation such as me and my cousins like my age, care and watch what they eat, and think twice about what we eat most of the time
     In my house usually/most of the time, my mow gets the food and cooks the food, also she does the dishes, but sometimes, my does all those things too at different times of the day.  My mom usually does this for lunch and dinner, but my dad 95% of the time makes us breakfast, gets the food, and then washes the dishes.  When My dad was younger he also was eating like my grandparents, and now he is working out, and exercising trying to get more healthy and to lose his stomach.  I actually thought all healthy food was like salad and whole grain this/that.  But then there are pastas that are healthier than the original, there are cereals that are healthy, and there are drinks that are healthy also.  That changed my opinion on healthy foods, because I actually enjoy eating those foods most of the time
     In my fridge I mostly have healthy foods such as, salads, water, apple juice.  I have these things because my mom and dad are exercising to stay healthy so they cleared the whole fridge to get rid of all the junk food that they liked to not get tempted by all of that unhealthy stuff.  I don't mind these things in our fridge because there actually really good.  I think my mom sticks to exercising more than my dad because my mom actually does it everyday twice.  She'll actually park further from her job so she could get in a nice little walk before she goes to work.  My does it sometimes a week, mostly 3 times a week.  The only time my mom doesn't work out is when we go to church, if she is sick, if something has come up unexpectedly, or if she is sore from the work out before.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HW 3 - Food - Fast Food Insights and Green Market ...

nORMaL is WEIRD Course Blog: HW 3 - Food - Fast Food Insights and Green Market ...: "
          Fast food restaurants are so succesful because the people don't have to wait for their food especially if they are on the go. People eat Mcdonalds like it is something good and even though they know that it isn't healthy, they eat it anyway for many reasons.
         Both places/the green market and Mcdonalds had lots of people and they both had seperated their food from drinks. The green house was unhealthy in a way because they were selling a lot of unhealthy pies and bad energy drinks as well as selling plants and flowers.  The people in Mcdonalds looked bigger  compared to the people in the green market because in the green market. there treats were slowly prepared and not rushed, and it was made with natural ingredients.  In contrast Mcdonalds food was defrosted and heated up, also known as fast food.  It was processed.
          I eat a lot so I usually spend more time at Mcdonalds because even though the green market has food it mostly has snacks such as pies, cookies, and bread.  But at Mdonalds, I am able to get a full meal.  I really don't eat Mcdonalds like I use to because it isn't good for you.  Like on the news one time, a mother tried to sue Mcdonalds because her son got fat from eating it everyday.  So that means that all that fat gets stuck inside you and around your heart causing heart problems.
          I really am not a plant person because they attract the most annoying bugs.. I don't mind bees, but I hate it when they buzz in your ears and fly around you for just a long period of time.  I really am not a plant person, but i sometimes enjoy going to the green market with my mom because there are a bunch of plants that I actually like to see like cactuses and the one plant that can eat flies.  So I spend more time around green market than I do Mcdonalds.  I like that because I can breath the fresh air .

Tuesday, September 21, 2010          There are different types of food in the world.  There is food that is good is for you and food that is bad for you.  Most people only eat salads and fruit.  They don't eat meat.  Then there are people who eat both salads fruit and meat.  To me I really like chicken.  I eat chicken in ways not everybody understands.  Only I do.  I mostly eat my chicken from a place called Popeyes.  In order for me to like food, it has to be worth the money spent for it and I want to have seconds.  

           When I usually go to Popeyes, I usually go with my friends, David, Ruben, Travis, Marc, And Angel.  We sit inside on wooden benches.  And we usually talk English at the table.  For breakfast i usually have breakfast, for lunch I go to Popeyes and have some chicken, and at dinner, either my mom makes something for dinner, or I have leftover dinner form last night.  To snack on I usually have some pie.    The only food I actually really like to make is a lasagna.  A true masterpiece of good food.  
          When I go home my mom doesn't really make anything for our dinner because she gets us food we can make by our selves from Path Mark.  Sometimes she goes out and makes us food like that she saves for the next night