Saturday, May 28, 2011

HW 59 - SOF Prom 2011 & DSPs

          Accorrding to what I think about prom, I think that prom is a life changing moment, and after that night, nothing will be the same again.  There are a lot of specific roles that lead up to prom and that occur during prom.  Some things roles that happen which lead up to the prom are...
1) Guys ask girl to prom
2) Guy gets girl corsage
3) Guy usually picks up girl then they go to prom
          Other things that happen when at the prom that relate to specific roles are...
1) Guy ask girl to dance
2) Guy gets girl some punch
3) Prom king and Prom queen
4) Guy takes girl home
          And after these things happen, ther is really no aftermath.  Everything goes back to normal.  But some people might be in a new relationship prior to what happen at the prom

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HW 58 - Prom Interviews

          For this interview, the first person I interviewed was my older sister.  I asked her about prom and she said it was fun and it was more of a formal type of party comaperd to the others.  She desribed prom as a entertaining way on to celebrate the last days or moments together with friends in high school.  I asked her, "how does prom differ from other formal parties like a ball".  She said that prom is like a journey and you start to develop into what it feels like to finally mature as an adult or young adult.

          For this interview I decided to interview one of my friends who hasn't been to prom yet and he said that prom was like a practice for very importants times of your life, for example prom ould be the practice for a marrige.  He wants to go to prom and says how prom has a lot of steps to be able to have a sucessful night.  LIke the first thing you have to do is ask someone, the next thing is get the proper outfit.  Then get a coursage, then meet the parents (mostly the dad).  Then after that, there is a big change on how you think. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

HW 57 - Initial Thoughts on Prom

          To me prom is a pivital moment and one of the most importants event in somebody's life.  No matter what gender (male or female), prom can be a life changing moment.  To some people prom is a party, but it is way more important than your average party.  Prom at some points is like a practice marrige.
         When I initially think about prom, the basics come to mind, music, dancing, boys ask girls to prom and to dance, photos and limo's. 
          A prom, short for promenade, is a formal (black tie) dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held near the end of the senior year. It figures greatly in popular culture and is a major event among high school students. High school juniors attending the prom may call it Junior Prom while high school seniors may call it Senior Prom. In practice this may be a combined junior/senior dance.
          At prom, a Prom Queen and Prom King may be revealed. These are honorary titles awarded to students chosen in a school-wide vote prior to the prom, and are usually given to seniors.[1] Juniors may also be honored, but would be called "Prom Prince" or "Prom Princess". Other students may be honored with inclusion in a "Prom Court". The selection method for Prom Court is similar to that of Homecoming Queen, King, and Court. Inclusion in a Prom Court is a reflection of popularity of those chosen and their level of participation in school activities, such as clubs or sports.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

Rossi said...
Your elevator speech was one of the most interesting in my opinion. I feel that it is unfortunate that you struggle to find a comfort zone when you speak out loud. Your quietness make sometimes make you seem a lot less intelligent than you can be. On the other hand it can be advantageous to possibly keep you modest as opposed to those who boast there intellect. Your topics of religion were interesting to me however I feel that you need to elaborate more on them. For example, “The Egyptians also believed in reincarnation, so the king was never really gone forever. I have sometimes seen reincarnation as a kind of cool process, after talking to my mom, it doesn't seem as cool anymore. The Egyptians didn't really take care of the dead. They more just put the body in a tomb, wrapped it up, and left it there.” I too felt that the reincarnation process seemed cool however I do not know enough about it to make a decision on it. While you share both information that you gathered as well as your views, you do not elaborate on them. It seems like you completed this work hastily which really lowers the quality of the work. I would like to read more about why reincarnation was appealing to you, why your mother changed your views on it, and what you mean by the Egyptians lack of care for the dead, “wrapped it up, and left it there.” How is that any different from the social practices of today in context? Also, in text citations as well as an annotated bibliography should be included with work like this. I think this was a great topic and that you did substantial work on your blog, however it was not written particularly carefully. Spending more time on your work could have made this an exceptional blog. You should consider taking Andy’s advice and focus on only one or two religions rather than three so that you can go into more depth with them rather than being so brief.

Dima Zaitoff said...
You got all significant information, we should know about the difference between the funerals of different religions.You explained all of the ways how is religion
Affected the funeral.The most interesting part for me was about an Egypt people.what do they do and how.You said that egyptIans got a very specific way and things to do with a dead body and that they placed Wrapped body into the tomb but in my opinion this is a significance for them and the tomb represents a power of what this human did before he died.You did a good job and made the reader interest to read your project!
Willie said...
I liked your project because when you were taling about hinduism, I also did a little research in the topic which made me very interested because i found a little bit of information but too hear more stuff on it was a big help also to my project

Willie said...
I liked your project and speech because you were taling about hinduism and as well as Leah, I also did a little information around the topic which was also a little interseting because it was a big add on to the information that I was able to find. You found more and said things that I never knew about the hinduism culture, and I will use some of that info for further research.

Monday, May 16, 2011

HW 55 - Culminating Project - Care of the Dead

          Death, there is no way to escape it. You and everyone else in the world is going to die. But don't only think  about death as a negative thing. Death is just another part of life. It is really hard to lose someone you love, but a true thing about love is that if you really love someone, you have to learn to let go. If you really think about death, you can think that we are slowly dying. When someone dies, most family members visit their grave site and plant flower or put more flowers down. In my family, we usually go to the grave site, plant flowers, and sometimes have a conversation with the grave as if the person was there. There are a lot of different religions in the world, and all have different methods on what they do when it comes to taking care of the dead, or planning burials or even laying somebody to rest. There is also burial methods by a group of people who are not religious.

          In the world of the Egyptians, they wouldn't have the funerals and grave sites like we do today. We have services and take time to remember the deceased, but the Egyptians, when their king/pharaoh died, they would wrap up the body, like a mummy, put the body in a tomb with all of his gold and priceless stuff never to be seen or heard about again. The Egyptians also believed in reincarnation, so the king was never really gone forever. I have sometimes seen reincarnation as a kind of cool process, after talking to my mom, it doesn't seem as cool anymore. The Egyptians didn't really take care of the dead. They more just put the body in a tomb, wrapped it up, and left it there.

          In the world of the religion when specifically talking about Islamic culture (Muslim) have a long funeral with the casket out in the front. They want to have the body of the deceased buried as soon as possible. They don’t like the fact of embalming because to them it disturbs the body of the deceased. When it is time for the burial the deceased is then taken to the cemetery for burial (al-dafin). While all members of the community attend the funeral prayers, only the men of the community accompany the body to the gravesite. It is preferred for a Muslim to be buried where he or she died, and not be transported to another location or country. The deceased is laid in the grave (without a coffin if permitted by local law) on his or her right side, facing Mecca.

          In Hinduism, they believe in the rebirth and reincarnation of souls. Death is therefore not a great calamity, not an end of all, but a natural process in the existence of soul as a separate entity, by which it reassembles its resources, adjusts its course and returns again to the earth to continue its journey. In Hinduism death is a temporary cessation of physical activity, a necessary means of recycling the resources and energy and an opportunity for the soul to review its programs and policies. When a person dies, his soul along with some residual consciousness leaves the body through an opening in the head and goes to another world and returns again after spending some time there. What happens after the soul leaves the body and before it reincarnates again is a great mystery. The Bhagavad gita describes two paths along which souls travel after death. One is the path of the sun, also known as the bright path and the other is the path of the moon, also known as the the dark path. When a soul travels along the path of the sun, it never return again, while those which travel along the path of the moon return again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

HW 54 - Independent Research B         
          This article is different and at the same time really interesting because it talks about all other different types of religions and what they do when taking care of the dead.  This article has Christians and how they approach death when it comes to taking care of the dead people.  Christians believe when you die, your flesh part of your body decompese into the earth, but your spirit lives on.  I believe that as well.  It is very hard and complicated when you try and think about death considereng that it is a one time thing and you won't be able to live again.
          I think everyone in my family (cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings, etc) is Christian and also believe that your body stops, but your spirit will continue to live on.

Monday, May 9, 2011
          Basically in this article, they talk about family methods used when around or taking care of the dead people.  But it isn't just families.  They also have way back in time how people would tae care of the dead.  For example, they talk about how the egyptians would take care of their dead pharoah, they would embalm them.  Embalm basically means to treat (a corpse) with preservatives in order to prevent decay.  Another example of way back were the Roman's.  The Roman's would either cremate the dead, or leave there body out for everyone too see.
          This article is different and at the same time really interesting because it talks about all other different types of religions and what they do when taking care of the dead.  This article has Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddism, Zoroastrianism, and Judiasm.  FOr more information click on link to discover differnet beliefs concerning the dead.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

HW 52 - Third Third of the COTD Book

           Death is like a battery, you never know when it is going to expire.  In a majority of time, death is always unexpected and  untimed.  It hurts more I believe o have an untimedly, unexpected death.  Especially if it is a young boy or girl.  In most of the stories, these deaths are unexpected and when the family thought it about it after there loved ones death, I think that most of them figured out that there was nothing they could do to prevent this tragedy.  No one in the world knows the date and time they are going to die.  I am christian so I beleive that the only person who knows when we are going to die is God, Jesus Christ. 

           "Her name was Cindy Conrad and her mothers body lay in our preparation room.  She told me she was an only child.  Her father died three years ago".

           "The doctor had told them that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times.  I repeated this to Max.  We thought this wasn't true.

           In all of the stories above, they were unexpected and untimely deaths.  These deaths just happened sooner then there family expected them too.  Its tough for the parents to bury their children but it isn't as tough for the children to bury there parents.   If think about it, everyone is going to die, but the people in the story unfortunately had a sooner death and couldn't live a full life.  Its hard to live life to its fullest especially when it is cut short.     

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HW 51 - Second Third of COTD Book

          Most people don't only think about humans dying.  Some people are just as sad when a pet or beloved animak dies.  If you really think about, we are also animals, but some people consider us more as the dominant species.  I never actually been to a burial for a beloved pet before.

          "I am not going to take him away from you, I want you to give him to me.  Whe I leave with him father mority will help you understand"
          "With Andrew gone I'm so lonely I could die.  If I had it to do over again-I'd have twelve kids"!

         I feel that the first quote is very important because this mother isn't able to let go of her child.  One important step of love is being able to let go.  The woman can't take the child away because the mother hasn't left even when the child is no longer with the mother