Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects

 On Jay's blog
           I really liked how you found a hsopital that ctually didn't do hardly any c-sections.  Most other hospitals seem to do C sections alot, so to be able to find one was really cool.  Also when you mentioned C section and you said one of the ladies didn't feel right, it was cool to , because that showed that they are completely against it

On Brandon's Blog
          I relly liked how when I talked about Post-Partum depression you took off and explained almost all of the stepes in betwwen the birth and the after, how women are not happy during their pregnancy and after.  You really didn;t mention Post-Partum depression a lot which made it better because it gave me the idea that weren't directly talking bout this severe depression.

On Ally's Blog
          I really liked your speech becuase it showed and told me about different rituals that other countries like and must preform to a new born baby maybe not thinking about the consequences of these actions toward a new born baby. This is inportant because it keeps me wondering is this a trust excersise for the parents to test how badly they might want this baby. What will happen if the parents don't want the baby? Do they just let it fall to its death?

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