Saturday, May 28, 2011

HW 59 - SOF Prom 2011 & DSPs

          Accorrding to what I think about prom, I think that prom is a life changing moment, and after that night, nothing will be the same again.  There are a lot of specific roles that lead up to prom and that occur during prom.  Some things roles that happen which lead up to the prom are...
1) Guys ask girl to prom
2) Guy gets girl corsage
3) Guy usually picks up girl then they go to prom
          Other things that happen when at the prom that relate to specific roles are...
1) Guy ask girl to dance
2) Guy gets girl some punch
3) Prom king and Prom queen
4) Guy takes girl home
          And after these things happen, ther is really no aftermath.  Everything goes back to normal.  But some people might be in a new relationship prior to what happen at the prom

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HW 58 - Prom Interviews

          For this interview, the first person I interviewed was my older sister.  I asked her about prom and she said it was fun and it was more of a formal type of party comaperd to the others.  She desribed prom as a entertaining way on to celebrate the last days or moments together with friends in high school.  I asked her, "how does prom differ from other formal parties like a ball".  She said that prom is like a journey and you start to develop into what it feels like to finally mature as an adult or young adult.

          For this interview I decided to interview one of my friends who hasn't been to prom yet and he said that prom was like a practice for very importants times of your life, for example prom ould be the practice for a marrige.  He wants to go to prom and says how prom has a lot of steps to be able to have a sucessful night.  LIke the first thing you have to do is ask someone, the next thing is get the proper outfit.  Then get a coursage, then meet the parents (mostly the dad).  Then after that, there is a big change on how you think. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

HW 57 - Initial Thoughts on Prom

          To me prom is a pivital moment and one of the most importants event in somebody's life.  No matter what gender (male or female), prom can be a life changing moment.  To some people prom is a party, but it is way more important than your average party.  Prom at some points is like a practice marrige.
         When I initially think about prom, the basics come to mind, music, dancing, boys ask girls to prom and to dance, photos and limo's. 
          A prom, short for promenade, is a formal (black tie) dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held near the end of the senior year. It figures greatly in popular culture and is a major event among high school students. High school juniors attending the prom may call it Junior Prom while high school seniors may call it Senior Prom. In practice this may be a combined junior/senior dance.
          At prom, a Prom Queen and Prom King may be revealed. These are honorary titles awarded to students chosen in a school-wide vote prior to the prom, and are usually given to seniors.[1] Juniors may also be honored, but would be called "Prom Prince" or "Prom Princess". Other students may be honored with inclusion in a "Prom Court". The selection method for Prom Court is similar to that of Homecoming Queen, King, and Court. Inclusion in a Prom Court is a reflection of popularity of those chosen and their level of participation in school activities, such as clubs or sports.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

Rossi said...
Your elevator speech was one of the most interesting in my opinion. I feel that it is unfortunate that you struggle to find a comfort zone when you speak out loud. Your quietness make sometimes make you seem a lot less intelligent than you can be. On the other hand it can be advantageous to possibly keep you modest as opposed to those who boast there intellect. Your topics of religion were interesting to me however I feel that you need to elaborate more on them. For example, “The Egyptians also believed in reincarnation, so the king was never really gone forever. I have sometimes seen reincarnation as a kind of cool process, after talking to my mom, it doesn't seem as cool anymore. The Egyptians didn't really take care of the dead. They more just put the body in a tomb, wrapped it up, and left it there.” I too felt that the reincarnation process seemed cool however I do not know enough about it to make a decision on it. While you share both information that you gathered as well as your views, you do not elaborate on them. It seems like you completed this work hastily which really lowers the quality of the work. I would like to read more about why reincarnation was appealing to you, why your mother changed your views on it, and what you mean by the Egyptians lack of care for the dead, “wrapped it up, and left it there.” How is that any different from the social practices of today in context? Also, in text citations as well as an annotated bibliography should be included with work like this. I think this was a great topic and that you did substantial work on your blog, however it was not written particularly carefully. Spending more time on your work could have made this an exceptional blog. You should consider taking Andy’s advice and focus on only one or two religions rather than three so that you can go into more depth with them rather than being so brief.

Dima Zaitoff said...
You got all significant information, we should know about the difference between the funerals of different religions.You explained all of the ways how is religion
Affected the funeral.The most interesting part for me was about an Egypt people.what do they do and how.You said that egyptIans got a very specific way and things to do with a dead body and that they placed Wrapped body into the tomb but in my opinion this is a significance for them and the tomb represents a power of what this human did before he died.You did a good job and made the reader interest to read your project!
Willie said...
I liked your project because when you were taling about hinduism, I also did a little research in the topic which made me very interested because i found a little bit of information but too hear more stuff on it was a big help also to my project

Willie said...
I liked your project and speech because you were taling about hinduism and as well as Leah, I also did a little information around the topic which was also a little interseting because it was a big add on to the information that I was able to find. You found more and said things that I never knew about the hinduism culture, and I will use some of that info for further research.

Monday, May 16, 2011

HW 55 - Culminating Project - Care of the Dead

          Death, there is no way to escape it. You and everyone else in the world is going to die. But don't only think  about death as a negative thing. Death is just another part of life. It is really hard to lose someone you love, but a true thing about love is that if you really love someone, you have to learn to let go. If you really think about death, you can think that we are slowly dying. When someone dies, most family members visit their grave site and plant flower or put more flowers down. In my family, we usually go to the grave site, plant flowers, and sometimes have a conversation with the grave as if the person was there. There are a lot of different religions in the world, and all have different methods on what they do when it comes to taking care of the dead, or planning burials or even laying somebody to rest. There is also burial methods by a group of people who are not religious.

          In the world of the Egyptians, they wouldn't have the funerals and grave sites like we do today. We have services and take time to remember the deceased, but the Egyptians, when their king/pharaoh died, they would wrap up the body, like a mummy, put the body in a tomb with all of his gold and priceless stuff never to be seen or heard about again. The Egyptians also believed in reincarnation, so the king was never really gone forever. I have sometimes seen reincarnation as a kind of cool process, after talking to my mom, it doesn't seem as cool anymore. The Egyptians didn't really take care of the dead. They more just put the body in a tomb, wrapped it up, and left it there.

          In the world of the religion when specifically talking about Islamic culture (Muslim) have a long funeral with the casket out in the front. They want to have the body of the deceased buried as soon as possible. They don’t like the fact of embalming because to them it disturbs the body of the deceased. When it is time for the burial the deceased is then taken to the cemetery for burial (al-dafin). While all members of the community attend the funeral prayers, only the men of the community accompany the body to the gravesite. It is preferred for a Muslim to be buried where he or she died, and not be transported to another location or country. The deceased is laid in the grave (without a coffin if permitted by local law) on his or her right side, facing Mecca.

          In Hinduism, they believe in the rebirth and reincarnation of souls. Death is therefore not a great calamity, not an end of all, but a natural process in the existence of soul as a separate entity, by which it reassembles its resources, adjusts its course and returns again to the earth to continue its journey. In Hinduism death is a temporary cessation of physical activity, a necessary means of recycling the resources and energy and an opportunity for the soul to review its programs and policies. When a person dies, his soul along with some residual consciousness leaves the body through an opening in the head and goes to another world and returns again after spending some time there. What happens after the soul leaves the body and before it reincarnates again is a great mystery. The Bhagavad gita describes two paths along which souls travel after death. One is the path of the sun, also known as the bright path and the other is the path of the moon, also known as the the dark path. When a soul travels along the path of the sun, it never return again, while those which travel along the path of the moon return again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

HW 54 - Independent Research B         
          This article is different and at the same time really interesting because it talks about all other different types of religions and what they do when taking care of the dead.  This article has Christians and how they approach death when it comes to taking care of the dead people.  Christians believe when you die, your flesh part of your body decompese into the earth, but your spirit lives on.  I believe that as well.  It is very hard and complicated when you try and think about death considereng that it is a one time thing and you won't be able to live again.
          I think everyone in my family (cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings, etc) is Christian and also believe that your body stops, but your spirit will continue to live on.

Monday, May 9, 2011
          Basically in this article, they talk about family methods used when around or taking care of the dead people.  But it isn't just families.  They also have way back in time how people would tae care of the dead.  For example, they talk about how the egyptians would take care of their dead pharoah, they would embalm them.  Embalm basically means to treat (a corpse) with preservatives in order to prevent decay.  Another example of way back were the Roman's.  The Roman's would either cremate the dead, or leave there body out for everyone too see.
          This article is different and at the same time really interesting because it talks about all other different types of religions and what they do when taking care of the dead.  This article has Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddism, Zoroastrianism, and Judiasm.  FOr more information click on link to discover differnet beliefs concerning the dead.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

HW 52 - Third Third of the COTD Book

           Death is like a battery, you never know when it is going to expire.  In a majority of time, death is always unexpected and  untimed.  It hurts more I believe o have an untimedly, unexpected death.  Especially if it is a young boy or girl.  In most of the stories, these deaths are unexpected and when the family thought it about it after there loved ones death, I think that most of them figured out that there was nothing they could do to prevent this tragedy.  No one in the world knows the date and time they are going to die.  I am christian so I beleive that the only person who knows when we are going to die is God, Jesus Christ. 

           "Her name was Cindy Conrad and her mothers body lay in our preparation room.  She told me she was an only child.  Her father died three years ago".

           "The doctor had told them that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times.  I repeated this to Max.  We thought this wasn't true.

           In all of the stories above, they were unexpected and untimely deaths.  These deaths just happened sooner then there family expected them too.  Its tough for the parents to bury their children but it isn't as tough for the children to bury there parents.   If think about it, everyone is going to die, but the people in the story unfortunately had a sooner death and couldn't live a full life.  Its hard to live life to its fullest especially when it is cut short.     

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HW 51 - Second Third of COTD Book

          Most people don't only think about humans dying.  Some people are just as sad when a pet or beloved animak dies.  If you really think about, we are also animals, but some people consider us more as the dominant species.  I never actually been to a burial for a beloved pet before.

          "I am not going to take him away from you, I want you to give him to me.  Whe I leave with him father mority will help you understand"
          "With Andrew gone I'm so lonely I could die.  If I had it to do over again-I'd have twelve kids"!

         I feel that the first quote is very important because this mother isn't able to let go of her child.  One important step of love is being able to let go.  The woman can't take the child away because the mother hasn't left even when the child is no longer with the mother

Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW 50 - First Third of Care-of-the-Dead Book Post

          I have been to a couple of funerals.  I have different experiences at different funerals.  This book I'm currently reading shows the stories of some unexpected and some expercted deaths in a different point of view.  This book reveals the secrets to people befor and if they have someone they loved has died.  The book is strong.  I feel that a funeral is basically a look back at all of the impacts the deceased person has had with his/her friends and family.  Life seems short.  If you really think about it, we are slowly dying.  I have always seen humans as snowflakes, they don't last long, but they always leave such an unforgetable mark. 

Quotes I Liked 
1) "She had done everything in her life that was important to her.  Sure, she would of loved to spend more time with her grandchildren, but she missed her husband more and more" (page 14)

2) "He feels cool.  Don't you think you should have a blanket around him?  Her eyes widened.  You're right.  He is cold and he has been so sick.  Yes, I need a blanket for him.  There's one in the living room on the couch.  Will you get it for me?" (page 26)

Analytical Paragraph
          In the story of The Spitfire who planned her own funneral. Lucy has lived a great life.  She was in her mid-seventies.  She spent a lot of her own time picking out caskets for herself, and talking about how she wanted the people at her funeral to have a good time.  Lucy then falls down some steps and then later gets cancer, that doesn;t stop Lucy from living her life.  Two weeks later she then dies.  I felt that Once Lucy was able to accept the fact that she was going to die, she was able to live.  Most people today are worrying about how or when they are going to die, and not living in the now.  They are scared.  But not Lucy, she was able to live by doing the one thing she loved to do the most.  And that was to spend time with her grandchildren.  In the story of The Mother who couldn;t let go, a six year old moth boy has died.  And the mother sits out on the steps holding him not letting anybody take him away.  She is then confronted by a women who would like to play along with her.  She is in complete denial that her son is dead and treats him as if he were still alive.  The one true test of love is letting go.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HW 48 - Family Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

First Interview
          For this interview I decided to go ahead and interview my mom.  I asked her on her perspectives on the Care of the Dead.  She did not fully understand the question.  I asked her what is the tradition of our family when someone dies?  My mom said, when her sister died two years ago, we had her funeral at our family church, because she was a member of that church and had a deep faith in god.  When my moms dad died last year, we had his funeral in a funeral home, because he was not fond of the church, but had a deep faith in god.
          My mom believs that when people die, there spirits live on; death is not the end.  In our family, we still think and talk about family members who have died.  The thoughts are good and happy thoughts.  For example, my mom remembers, how her sister use to buy her dolls.  She also remembers how her dad use to make jokes and make her laugh.  My mom and my grandma go to the cementery to place fresh flowers on the graves.  My mom emphasizes that, "death is not the end, and we will see our deceased family members again".  My mom believs that funerals should be a reflection of the way the person lived. 

Second Interview
            For this interview I decided to interview my older sister.  I asked her two questions on taking care of the dead
1) How does having a church funeral connect to your religious beliefs?
          She said that a persons spirit lives on even after after their physical body is gone, so a funeral is a way of sending a persons spirit to heaven.  Or its like sening a persons spirit home.
2) What methods do you use when remembering or taking care of the dead?
            She said she and other family members retell the ggod tiimes and moments you were with that person.  She cooks their favorite foods, she listens to their favorite songs, she looks at pictures and or videos (home movies).  She also said bring and put fresh flowers and their grave almost like an anniversary. 

         For the first interview my mom seems to can never forget her sister and her father.  And I can relate.  I felt broken and alone when my mom aunt died.  I loved her loved her so much.  She was very religious and believed in god.  Even now when I hear gospel songs, I look up and remember all of the good times I had with my aunt.  I will always miss her and love her
          For the second interview I am sometimes there when they look at photos and other things remember the dead.  I have always found humans to be like snowflakes.  The don't last long, but they leave such and unforgettable mark.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

HW 47 - Peer Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

          For this interview I interviewed my friend.  I asked her about thoughts on death.  She said it is hard to picture what happens when you die.  If you tried it it would by hard and a little confusing.  When I actually think about it, i don;t know what to think.   I don;t know what to expect and how to approach death.  But my will come and we'll see what happens.  The first time I actually thought about death, I got scared and I really can't live in the now becuase I keep on worrying about what happens to me when my time is up.

          For the second interview I decided to interview my friend.  He didn;t really say much because when your our age, we don;t really think to much about that stuff.  But he basically talked about his religion and what his parents told about God. And how when you die, if yuor good you go to heaven and if you aren't you go to hell.  Those are the basics.  But he didn;t really get into detail.

           For the third interview, I decided to interview my other friend, but this was very different because he was an athiest.  So I asked him questions about what does he think happens when people die, he couldn't answer.  He is stuck on the whole evolution, Big Bang theory.  I disagree becuase when I ask him where we came from, he said monkeys, and when I said where monkeys came from he said evolution.  Something has to come from somthing.  I understand why it was hard for him to answer when I asked him what do you think happens when you die, becuase when your sleep you dream, but when your dead you don;t know what in the wolrd is happening. 

HW 46 - Initial Thoughts on the Care of the Dead

          I think I have enough experience with this toipic because before when I interviewed my mom she talked about how our mortal form (bodies) go and die into the earth, but our spirits live on.  After someone in or family has died, we revisit their grave site every once in a while.  While we are there we also explore other grave sites and past family members.  If there are no more floweres there, we bring a lot of flowers their and put them onto the site.  And we talk to it.  And we don;t like it when people take the flowers out of the cup.
          When someone has died in our family, we are sad, but we remember that that person is with God now.  When someone has died in our family and was very sick for a while, we are sad but we also think about how now there sufferenig can end and they can go to a much better place with God in Heaven.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HW 45 - Reply to Other Peoples' Comments

Brandon said...


Your project was aimed at the after effect, known as Post Partum Depression, which happens after the physical and mental drainage that takes place throughout pregnancy and the final moments of birth. Giving birth is truly a struggle for a woman, and some take more time than others to fully recover after the baby is finally born.

This topic is extreamly important because it shows how the effects of pregnancy dont necessarily leave the body with the baby and can stay for a couple of days afterwards or even longer than that. PPD is something very serious and is found in many other cases, such as within war veterans who suffered scary situations overseas.

This was truly an interesting project for me to read. You seemed to be really interested yourself in your topic, Good Job!
          My Response

          This is important also to me becuase when something this severe as Post-Partum depression can effct a women both physically and metally, it isn't good, because women in depression might not be able to meet the standards to be able to take care of her child. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects

 On Jay's blog
           I really liked how you found a hsopital that ctually didn't do hardly any c-sections.  Most other hospitals seem to do C sections alot, so to be able to find one was really cool.  Also when you mentioned C section and you said one of the ladies didn't feel right, it was cool to , because that showed that they are completely against it

On Brandon's Blog
          I relly liked how when I talked about Post-Partum depression you took off and explained almost all of the stepes in betwwen the birth and the after, how women are not happy during their pregnancy and after.  You really didn;t mention Post-Partum depression a lot which made it better because it gave me the idea that weren't directly talking bout this severe depression.

On Ally's Blog
          I really liked your speech becuase it showed and told me about different rituals that other countries like and must preform to a new born baby maybe not thinking about the consequences of these actions toward a new born baby. This is inportant because it keeps me wondering is this a trust excersise for the parents to test how badly they might want this baby. What will happen if the parents don't want the baby? Do they just let it fall to its death?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HW 42 - Pregnancy & birth culminating project

People see birth as an amazing experience. A lot of men and women decide to have babies because they want to start families. Most women are happy to be with a child, but some other women are constantly worrying about what could happen or what might happen. After a woman gives birth, her life changes. For some women it is good and for some women it is not so good. A woman’s body goes through so much pain and stress when she is in labor and then gives birth. The pain can last for an hour and then it can last for a whole day. After all of this happens, some women can fall into a depression, which medical science calls “Post-Partum Depression”. Doctors are not absolutely sure what causes it; but this depression usually happens after birth. Women with this depression will have negative thoughts and feel alone and feel like no one understands. The pain and stress that happened to their bodies also causes stress to their minds. Most of the time it takes two weeks for a woman to show that she has Post-Partum Depression.
Post-Partum Depression can occur in women who worry a lot. The first symptom of this depression is usually mood swings. For example, a woman could be laughing one minutes and crying the next minute. A woman could hate the way she looks even though her family is telling her she looks beautiful. Also, a woman could feel like she is not a good mother even though she is doing her very best. These mood swings can affect the way she feels about her baby, and can also affect the way she takes care of her baby. The woman could also start to feel like her child will get hurt or start to think of worse things that could happen to her child.
I think it is okay for a mother to worry about her child. My mother said that it is natural for women to worry about their children. But when a woman gets Post-Partum Depression, I think it is very serious. If a mother falls into this depression and cannot take care of her child, and thinks about hurting the child, she needs to get help. The difficult part of this is that not all mothers know that they have this depression. Some mothers may think that they are just sick with a cold, some mothers will think that they are not trying hard enough to be a good mother, and some mothers might think that they need to think more positive thoughts and the depression will go away.
There is no known cure for Post-Partum depression. Some normal changes during and after pregnancy can cause symptoms similar to those of depression. But if a woman have any of the following symptoms of depression for more than two weeks, she should call her doctor:
Feeling restless or moody
Feeling sad, hopeless, and overwhelmed
Crying a lot
Having no energy or motivation
Eating too little or too much
Sleeping too little or too much
Having trouble focusing or making decisions
Having memory problems
Feeling worthless and guilty
Losing interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
Withdrawing from friends and family
Having headaches, aches and pains, or stomach problems that don’t go away
Post-Partum Depression is real. A lot of the symptoms are thought to be other things because after a woman gives birth, her body goes through a lot of changes. So people think that a woman is just getting used to being a mother and taking care of baby. Or sometimes people think that the woman is just tired from not getting enough sleep because a baby needs to be feed throughout the night. But what’s really going on with the woman is that she is mentally and emotionally depressed. I hope that medical science is able to find a cure for this Post-Partum depression. And I also I hope that more women get to understand this depression.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

HW 41 - Independent Research


- When you are pregnant or after you have a baby, you may be depressed and not know it. Some normal changes during and after pregnancy can cause symptoms similar to those of depression. But if you have any of the following symptoms of depression for more than 2 weeks, call your doctor:
  • Feeling restless or moody
  • Feeling sad, hopeless, and overwhelmed
  • Crying a lot
  • Having no energy or motivation
  • Eating too little or too much
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Having trouble focusing or making decisions
  • Having memory problems
  • Feeling worthless and guilty
  • Losing interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Having headaches, aches and pains, or stomach problems that don’t go away
- I asked my mom dis she hae any of these symoptoms of depression and she said, "I didn't feel any of these symptoms, I was too busy to feel this way"!
"Depression During and After Pregnancy." N.p., March 6, 2009.. Web. 2 Apr 2011. <March 6, 2009.>.

- Depression after pregnancy refers to the negative thinking and feelings of despondency that many women experience after the birth of a child. In addition to the sad, lifeless feelings that accompany any depression, women who suffer from depression after pregnancy often fear that their baby will somehow be harmed and may worry that they are "bad" mothers.

3) Women can suffer from depression after giving birh.  This is called Postpartum Depression where these mothers find it very difficult to take care of their children, to take care of themselves and to take care of other responsibilities.  They can become very emotional at times and also, not feel like doing anything at times. Medical Science is not 100 percent sure what causes Postpartum Depression.  Their is a belief that it is caused from an immediate chnage in a women's hormone level after she gives birth.
    This depression can be very dangerous for a women and her child.  It can start right after child birth and can become severe after 2 weeks.  Support groups or counseling have helped women overcome this depression

Monday, March 28, 2011

HW 40 - Insights from Book - Part 3

You find yourself at a cocktail party with the author of the book you just finished reading. To demonstrate that you really read it, you say, "Hey - thanks for writing a book that doesn‘t only talk about the authors experiences, it actually talks about other woman’s experiences with birth. Your (thesis/core argument/main idea) These birth stories told, by the woman were life changing moments, this made me think twice about birth because I have always seen birth as pain, I never thought about it as a wonderful experience for a woman to see her creation.(moved me/persuaded me/made me rethink pregnancy & birth)." different types of ways and methods woman use to feel comfortable before giving birth to the baby. It also has different ways woman in the 19th century gave birth to feel which way they felt was the most comfortable. And last the book also talks about what methods hospitals might use to help the women get rid of pain. , which (added another angle to/connected back to/further developed/contradicted) the first 2/3rds of the book. But let me be more specific." And then you listed the top 3 ideas/pieces of evidence/insights/questions from that final third of the book (and somehow even listed page number references).
But the author, surprised to be talking to someone who instead of sharing their own birth story actually rephrased the main idea of the text they spent months giving birth to asks, "Really, which parts were most effective or important for you?" When you answer, "Well, in the last third of the book you focused on
1.Most people believe that while in labor, woman might use the method of arm wrestling to speed up the labor(206
2. It is a good to know that most women in labor need to be able to change position and to move around freely” (226)
3.Epidural anesthesia is the most commonly used method of pharmaceutical pain relief for women who labor and give birth in hospitals. (234

\]=[i0o9u8klpj‘o[;cjyvg bn[)
At this point, realizing that s/he's having a unique conversation with a serious reader of her/his book, the author asks - "But what could I have done to make this a better book - that would more effectively fulfill its mission?" You answer, "Well, let's be clear - your text sought to provide (narratives, historical analysis, journalistic analysis, policy analysis) from the perspective of a ( ....) for the book-reading-public to better understand pregnancy & birth in our culture. Given that aim, and your book, the best advice I would give for a 2nd edition of the text would be,
Please copy the above dialogue - fill in the blanks and then rework the dialogue so that its honest and creative.
*Black is me, Blue is your writing from blog*
how women from different culture and how they were taught to approach birth. And to also get their birth experiences while giving birth if they had any. But I don't want you to feel like I'm criticizing. I appreciate the immense amount of labor you dedicated to this important issue and particularly for making me think about while a women is in labor or in pain and they receive medicine, does the medicine harm or do anything to the baby while in the womb & was the women in any pain after the birth was over(as specific as possible). In fact, I'm likely to do is think twice when I see a pregnant, don’t just think that they are going to have a baby, actually remember this and hope that they have a healthy baby. differently as a result of your book." The author replies, "Thanks! Talking to you gives me hope about our future as a society!"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HW 39 - Insights from Book - Part 2

1) In the book Guide to Childbirth by Ina Mys, the second part of the book talks about the realizations of these woman and their birthing experiences.  Most of these births are done at home, and the rest are at the hospital.  This book has taught me that a woman's experience at home is more relaxing than a birth at the hospital.  The perspective from the book is basically saying that home births are better than a birth in the hospital. It doesn't go very in depth to a hospitals births perspective.

2)  The major insight the book tries to communicate that it is trying to bring people back to the natural wonders of child birth.  A quote about the book by Alice Walker said, "We have forgotten this simple fact for far too long"  she also said,"There is nothing more important than how we are born"!  This is significant because all of the stories told by women were nice stories and a great experience for the women, the author did this to keep the reader interested.  And to confirm that a childbirth without a hospital and medicine is better.

3) - One aspect told from birth in this book is it is almost a one sided story, it is all good experiences when there is more than that.(page 126)
    - A second aspect is how all of the women talk about the same thing.  How their contractions were the things that were almost causing the most pain while in labor.(whole part one)
    - A third aspect is how after the stories from women end, the author comes and talks about her own experiences as a midwife which was interseting compared to the stories in part one. (127)
    - A fourth aspect is how the book is more told on a home birth side of the story, rather than a hospital birth
    - A fifth aspect is how the book was able to be told from different perspectives of women at first then told by the author.

4) "All of the women included in the study were eligible to have a home birth, meaning that they had no conditions that could put them at higher risk for complications, such as diabetes or heart disease"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HW 38 - Insights from pregnancy & birth book - part 1

1) Basically, this book is organized as the first 125 pages into the book, it is a bunch of true, personal experiences of births told by women.  Almost all of the stories were similar in one part when the women were talking about how much pain they were experiencing.  But then the pain turned out to be worth it, because the woman talked about what an amazing experience it was.  For example, in the Sara Jean's story on page 29, her pain had lasted 8 hours before her son was born, but after he was born she says, "I immediately feel in love with him"(p.32).
2) the major question that this book is trying to answer is How can giving birth be a life changing moment? I think the answer is it is a big life changer because it then has a positive impact on a mothers and fathers life becuase they can add one more person to there family and then extend there own.
3) In the first 100 pages the book talks about life changing moments when women give birth to babies.  While giving birth, the women are in drastic pain, but when it is over, the women have a instant bond with there baby.  Personally I don't know about this, but my mom told me it is true.

4) Women usually get cramps while going into labor.
 - Most women get into different positions before giving birth.  
 - Most women have a choice to take an epidural or not.  An epidural is a drug that helps ease the pain of contractions.  
 - Women have the decision to decide if they want to have an obstetrician (a baby doctor) or a midwife.  
 - Giving birth is a wonderful thing but it can also be dangerous.  
5) The author uses different stories from different women each telling similar but different stories about their birth experiences.  She uses their stories to support her argument that giving birth is a life changing moment.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

HW 36 - Pregnancy & Birth Stories

1. How did the pregnany affect the way people treated you
- "I experienced a mixture of treAtments for example, while riding the subway, most people would offer me there seats while some did not, some of my co-wokers said i looked nice while others said I looked like I was getting fat, some people said kind things while Inwas pregnant, and some people did some unkind things
2.What did you do while pregnant to prepare for your pregnancy?
- "The first thing I did was pray every morning for a healthy baby and a safe delivery. Then i would take long walks to help my body get stronger. I also rubbed and talked to my stomach, I made sure all of the phone numbers were posted on the fridge so when it was time to have the baby, the numbers were right there, and lastly, i had a small bag with me ready to go to tje hospital with me"
3. What thoughts and feelings come to mind when you remember giving birth?
- "how fantastic a womans body is. For nine months she has another person growing inside of her. The. This person is born. This person is born from the womans cells and the dad cells. A person that is. Brand new, linked to parents but, has his/her own identity. This is amazing. Also I remember is the extreme pain, but once the baby is born, the pain stops and appears to be forgotten. I also remember the instant bonding between mother and child"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

HW 35 - Other Peoples' Perspectives 1

What is the first thing that comes to mind t when you hear pregnancy?
That someone is having a baby.  And when you get further you think about all of the stages in between the first part of an pregnancy, and the final moments.  One more thing is a person being grown inside of another person.  And the growing is done over a period of time.  For example the hands will grow, then the feet, then the legs, etc.

When I hear pregnancy the first thing that comes to mind is sacred.  Most women become more treasure like when they become pregnant lady, like if your mean to a lady, some people might get mad, but then when you say, a man was horrible to a pregnant lady, then some people could get furious.
What do you think causes premature birth?
It can be caused by, drugs, smoking, drugs, drinking, the mom being ill, or the baby is ill (the body might so that because the bay is ill), depression.

I think it is a defense mechanism that your body undergoes when it is trying to tell you that something is either wrong with your body or the babies body.

How do you think our society would react if abortion was illegal?
Some people would be angry and some people would be happy.  Mostly the people who are okay with abortion would be unhappy, and the people who are against it would be happy.  There is a definite that all people will feel the same way. You would have some people doing a protest

I think that there would be breakdown in the society.  On the news already there are people (mostly young women) who kill there own baby, so if abortion was illegal, then I think you would have a lot mor deaths a babies because there parents don't want them.
  Some of the patterns I noticed in the first interview question are, most people think about love, or you want to create something that you can love.  Or the three main stages of pregnancy.  Another thing is on how women become more than just women when they become pregnant.  They treated differently when they become pregnant.  They get. special treatment, and there needs are satisfied.
   Some patterns I noticed in the second interview question are, how a premature birth can mainly be caused by a women sick or in depression.  Somehow the depression is causing the baby to come out sooner than expected.  I think that maybe some women think that by getting the baby out, they could come out of their depression. There are a lot of other causes of premature birth.  Like if the women is on drugs, that can do harm to the baby, and the baby wants/needs to come out.
   Some patterns I noticed in the third interview question are that how people wouldn't be happy and some people would be happy if abortion was legal.  When the case of Roe V Wade happened, they deiced that abortion was to become legal in the U.S.  But still even today, there are a lot of people debating is abortion should be legal or illegal.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

          When I think about birth I think about preperation.  Is that person ready.  I say this because there a lot of mothers who have there child taken away because of child services.  Non responsible parents who can't take care of there own child.  When I think of pregnant lady, I think of big belly, gets special treatment, always gets seats of train, and bus.  I think there main priority is to get the baby out.  Because, a lot of women hate to have big belly's.  Some questions I have is why do so many women get really mad at some points of the pregnancy, and sometimes there very calm (mood swings)? 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

HW 30 - Illness & Dying - Culminating Experiential Project

          In this project I have decided to interview my mother on her opinion on death.  She is a christian, and she said that she believes that our mortal form dies, but our spirit/soul lives on.  I am alos shristian so I also believe that.  But back in egypt where there were pharoahs, pyrimads, and slaves, they had believed in reicarnation.  That is when somebody dies and there soul goes into another body that has yet to be born.  I am actually a little confused though and scared to die.  I don;t know what to expect and how to approach death.  But my will come and we'll see what happens.  The first time I actually thought about death, I got scared and I really can't live in the now becuase I keep on worrying about what happens to me when my time is up. 

          I did some research on other religions and what they think on what happens when you die, and alos a couple a athiest.  Athiest believe "
-You, will cease to exist. It is impossible for anyone to grasp this concept entirely because the 'experience' itself is an entire lack of experience. The concept of nonexistence can be compared to the lack of existence of a human before being conceived or brought into the world - The universe was here before you were born and will continue when you are gone-.  Basically this means that there is no afterlife, once you are gone, you are no longer in the worlds existence.  Everytime I think about this, I just freek out.  Because it is really hard to imagine when you die, you don't dream or nothing, you just lay there.  It is really hard to imagine.
In Hinduism, the believe "
-The most common afterlife belief among Hindus is transmigration. In the Hindu context, "reincarnation" refers to taking rebirth as another human being. Hindus generally accept "transmigration," the belief that the living entity or soul (jiva or jivatman) takes on limitless births in any of the various locally available lifeforms, some material some not-.  Basically Hundu's believe in reincarnation. once you die, you take on the knew form of a new born baby and live your life over.  I sometimes think it is kind of cool but I know it won't happen.

          After finding this information I told my mom about it, but she already knew what other religions and athiest believe in what they think happens when you die.  NOthing will change my mind about it.  I don't care how much scinece they try to bring up that says there is no God who created the earth.  And since there is no god there is no afterlife.  But I believe there is a God, and there is a afterlife. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

HW 29 - Reading and noting basic materials

Paying for medical care
           Medical insurance is a big thing, and had many variables.  All people should have access to health insurance, and not have to worry about past illnesses or money problems.  The government is supposed to take care of us, and pay to make sure that we get the treatment we need.  The government wanted this, but when they saw how much money was involved, they don't want to do it anymore.  Only if they could get something back in return like money.  This so called health care that the government provides for us can't be really called health care because when you care for somebody, you do it and put somebody's life line on a price.  But if the government don't get their money, they'll basically let you expire.
           There was a movie called "Sicko" by Michael Moore where it shows a change in people's lives due to money problems because of having to pay for problem.  The wife had to pay for her husbands three heart attacks, and then later on, she had gotten cancer, and they could no longer keep there house.  There was another story about a man who had cut off the tip of his ring finger and his middle finger.  It cost 12,000 dollars to get the ring finger reattached and it cost 30,000 dollars to get his middle finger reattached.   Where in France, they have free health care.  At the cashier, you don't give him money, they give you money.  

Being sick         
          Getting sick happens to everyone.  From the minor sickness like colds, stomach virus, and flu's.  And then there are the major fatal sickness like, cancer, stigma, and polio.  Getting sick is not avoidable, the minor sickness like the cold happens to everyone.  Every person has a cold once or twice in there life.  But the major illnesses are somewhat avoidable.  As long as you take good care of your body you will be okay.  Earlier I learned that the food we eat isn't just food, it has another chemical in it that can do a lot of damage to our bodies, if not careful while eating it.  Eat it too much and fat and unhealthy ingredients get stuck around your heart.  Your heart pumps harder, and it eventually leads to heart attacks.
           I like fast foods.  But I don't eat it like I used to when I was younger.  I learned about the harmful things workers people put into our food.  So now I make wise choices and decide carefully on what I eat.  I never really gotten a major illness and don't plan to.  I've had at least 20 or more colds.  I had a stomach virus once on christmas eve.  And I have never had the flu.  I don't know what I do to stay healthy.  When I am hot, I usually put a fan in my face while I sleep, and that leads to the colds I get.

Facing Terminal Illness
          We all at least know one person who was sick with a fatal illness.  In the book Tuesday's with Morrie, Morrie was a healthy man, until one day he got very sick. He felt fine at first, but as the weeks went by, he got skinnier and weaker until the point where he couldn't even walk around.  He couldn't even use the bathroom by himself without somebody's help.  He thought it was embarrassing

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

HW 26 - Looking back & forward in unit

Some things taht I was able to learn in this unit were...

- was health care, and how the health care system isn't really health care.  When you care for somebody, you don't put a price tag on their forehead, you help them, but not the government.

- different places in the world have free health care, and poeple wanted health care to be free, but other people had differet ideas, no money, no protection.

- The doctors basically know when really sick people are going to die, and don't really do anything, if a person could get surgery that has a chance of making them better, the surgons won't do the operation, even if you die becuase you probably din't have the operation, they do not care.

- And also when doctors know you are going to die, they'll send you a couple of floors above or below so they won't have to deal with your dying body.

          To probably make this unit a little more interesting or better, when can stop trying to see it from the people giving the help or us.  We can look into the body language of people who are actually dying and see how they feel compared to the doctors.