Tuesday, November 23, 2010

HW 17 - First Thoughts on the Illness & Dying Unit

1) I have never really did anything in the past that has to do with illness and dying.

2) I have always seen illness as a consequence of not taking care of your body better, like eating healthy and exercising when they are young.  But some illnesses are preventable and just come out of nowhere.  Also most young kids and people are diagnosed with these diseases.  Most people start taking care of themselves when they are young, and say I am never gonna get fat or big.  But as they get older, there food metabolism slows down and they don't know it and just keeps on eating.  Then they get lazy, its not a lot of extra fat, just a couple of walks and jogs will get rid of it, but then you say, i will do it tomorrow, but your lazy, and forget, and eat like you would normally eat, then you get bigger, and all that fat surrounds your heart.  And then the next thing you know, you probably get diabetes, and the fat stays around your heart, and forces your heart to pump harder, and that leads to heart attacks.
3) There are more poor black people than white people so a lot more people can't afford to pay for a yearly check up, resulting in a lot of sick black people.  I don't know why, but most black people are born poor, and a lot of there jobs are taken away.. like in the Freakonomics movie, it takes about a week to 2 weeks for a white person to find a job, and it takes up to about 12 weeks to get there letter answered, and when they work at the same job, the white person would get payed more.

4) My family especially approaches this seriously. Especially my older sister because she had wanted to become a doctor, so she knows about these illnesses and knows how to approach this situation if it had ever come up.  My dad has diabetes, he was skinny and thin when he was younger, but than he stared to let go and became bigger, but now he is starting to take care of himself and sets goals for himself.  But those goals sometimes he forgets, and doesn't do them for a while and then he'll say that he'll do them again, but he forgets again, and today he says he sets goals fro himself.  But I don't know how long he'll keep it up before he stops.

5) I never want to become so sick that I was going to die, for some reason I am scared to die.  Most of those sicknesses are most of the time a slow and painful death, for every second that those people are sick they are sad and miserable.  We can get most young adults to take care of themselves by telling them that healthy food is good too, and show them down the path thay they are heading if they continue to eat and not exercise.  Once they see how hard it is too do this, maybe they will have a change in there food ways and eat healthier.


  1. This is a great topic to blog about especially during a time where more and more people are dying because they do not take care of themselves. It is a shame that there are a lot of sick black people who cannot afford medical care. Black people are the leading cases in preventable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Preventable diseases are increasing in all cultures. My grandfather, who died earlier this year, was a diabetic and did not take care of himself. I think a lot of the wellness programs focus on children or adults. We need preventive measures for young adults. What are some ways we can get young adults involved in health awareness?

  2. This is good. Really important topic to discuss. This connects to so many things in America like Child Labor. We are using so many of our kids to make more money, but yet our kids are dying. Don't forget the HOM and connections are always improtant. What time in a persons life do you think they start to stop taking care of themselves the most?
